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HTML, CSS, FlexBox & Responsividade


Desktop design screenshot for the Blog preview card coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback



Hello there 👋. Good job on completing the challenge!

I have some suggestions about your code that might interest you.

General Structure and HTML:

  • Wrap the primary content within the <main> tag instead of using it as a standalone component like a <div>.
  • All the content should be contained within landmarks. Every page minimally needs a <main> element.
  • Consider using <time> instead of paragraphs for elements that are not actual paragraphs like "Published...".

CSS and Styling:

  • To center the card use the following styles

    body {
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;
      min-height: 100vh;
  • Implement CSS custom properties to define and utilize project colors more easily.

  • Avoid using px for font-size, you could read this article to learn why. Letter spacing and line height must not be in px, use rem for all the font-related properties.

  • Instead of fixed widths, employ max-width and min-width for flexible and responsive design.

  • You could add the hover effect to the title. Change the color to yellow and implement a cursor: pointer.

Accessibility and Semantic HTML:

  • The icons/illustration images are decorative, so their alt text must be emptyalt="".
  • Profile image could benefit from a more descriptive alt text, like alt="Headshot of Greg Hooper".

I hope you find this helpful 😁. Most importantly, your submitted solution is fantastic!

Happy coding!




Great effort!👏

I've got a small suggestion for you to enhance your design. It seems like the illustration image might not be perfectly placed. Consider using the following CSS code to ensure it's positioned correctly:

.ilustracao {
    width: 100%;

This tweak should help improve the overall presentation. Keep up the good work! 👍

Ótimo esforço!👏

Eu tenho uma pequena sugestão para você melhorar seu design. Parece que a imagem da ilustração pode não estar perfeitamente posicionada. Considere usar o seguinte código CSS para garantir que ela seja posicionada corretamente:

css Copy code

.ilustracao {
    width: 100%;

Essa pequena alteração deve ajudar a melhorar a apresentação geral. Continue com o bom trabalho! 👍


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