Submitted 8 days ago
html css using pixel close methods for responsiveness
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I would try to avoid using chatgpt
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?switching from pixel units to ressposnvie units ,takes a lot of time
Community feedback
- @Anan-KaranjaPosted 8 days ago
You're on the right track! However, please use the attached design file from the starter files. Try using Figma to determine the font sizes, card sizes, and the spacing between elements. Additionally, explore semantic HTML and learn how to properly use HTML elements for fonts. Don’t forget to include a fallback font as well.
Marked as helpful1@ayoubbenomranePosted 6 days ago@Anan-Karanja thank you so much for your advice and your time , I'll try to make it better
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