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Desktop design screenshot for the Fylo landing page with two column layout coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback





  • Your file reference path is incorrect, hence the images are not showing. Remove ./images/ and they should appear.

  • There should only be one <h1> on a page.

  • Decorative icons and images should have empty alt text: alt="".

  • Use the appropriate semantic HTML elements whenever needed. Instead of <div class="header">, use <header> - the <nav> should be inside the <header>, not the other way around. The main content needs to be wrapped in a <main>, and the dark purple section in a <footer>.

  • Remember, you don't need to write flex-direction: row, as that is the default value.


  • It's good practice to include a CSS Reset at the top.

  • Never set font size in px. This is bad for accessibility, as it prevents the font size from scaling with the user's default setting in the browser. Use rem instead.

  • line-height must also never be in px.

  • Do not set fixed widths or heights.

  • I would use Grid instead of Flexbox on the main and footer layouts.

  • Media queries should be in rem instead of px.

Marked as helpful


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