Submitted about 2 years ago
Fullstack (NextJS + ExpressJS + SocketIO + MongoDB + Cloudinary)
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
Greetings FEM community 🤘 This is my Fullstack solution to the comments section challenge.
- Authentication: Register, login, logout (passwords encrypted)
- Send, edit, delete comments.
- Upvote and downvote comments.
- Infinite nested replies. (Reddit like)
- Hide & show replies.
- Live update comments with SocketIO
- Edit username, password, bio, avatar.
- Display profile cards by clicking on usernames.
- Users who's not logged in can only view comments & user infos.
Built With
- NextJS (Frontend)
- ExpressJS (Backend API)
- SocketIO (listen to comments live)
- MongoDB (user & comment documents)
- Cloudinary (store images)
- StyledComponents (CSS in JS)
It took me longer than I initially planned but I'm happy with the result :) If you find any bugs or have suggestions & questions feel free to shoot.
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