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Frontend Mentor | QR-code-component solution

Patience Baker• 20


Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I decided to make the QR code image a background image however I noticed that it shows up in every browser except Safari. Is there a reason for this or a work around? And how often does this happen in other projects?

I also think that the original design has some shadowing on the card component and I made an attempt to add this design effect but I'm just not there yet. Any resources to help with adding shadows / effects to images would be much appreciated. Also I welcome any other feedback so that I can continue to improve my HTML and CSS. Thanks!

Community feedback

Ahmed AbdElAal• 320



To add the shadow effect use the box-shadow style

box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px grey;

  1. The first value is for the horizontal alignment.
  2. Second value is for vertical alignment.
  3. The third value sets the blur radius.
  4. Fourth value is the color you want your shadow to be.

Marked as helpful




you can set your attribution's possition as absolute. so it will center the component correctly.


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