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Frontend Mentor - Ping coming soon page


Desktop design screenshot for the Ping single column coming soon page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

All feedback is welcome, thank you

Community feedback

Tushar Biswas 4,080



Congratulations on completing the challenge! 🎉

Welcome to the platform! 🎉 We're thrilled to have you here and excited to see your progress 💪as you continue your front-end development journey.

I've found few issues with your code:

  • Typos:


const form = document .getElementsById('form')
const email = document .getElementsById('email')
const button = document .getElementsById('button')
  • The condition in the if statement is incorrect. Instead of checking if emailValue equals the string 'Email cannot be empty', the code is assigning this string to emailValue. To check if emailValue is empty, you should use the === operator.

Change if (emailValue = 'Email connot be empty') to if (emailValue === '')

  • I did not inspect your JavaScript any further. Although its not a perfect design, feel free to checkout my simple email validation function to get a better idea.

  • If you are someone who is just starting out with front-end development, I strongly suggest starting with the QR code component project. Also in the challenges page you may filter by (Newbie, HTML&CSS) sort by (easier first) to select projects that will help you solidify your foundation.

In my projects:

  • I always start with mobile-first workflow.
  • I use at least one main element for a page (entire content goes into the main), and avoid divs as much as possible and use section and article element wherever I can.
All content 
  • I Use relative units as much as possible and avoid absolute units whenever possible.

  • I remember when I started out, I made countless mistakes and spent long hours searching for solutions. But hey, you don't need to go through the same struggles! 🙌 To help you shorten the learning curve, I recommend going through the following articles. They contain valuable insights that can make your journey smoother:

📚🔍 12 important CSS topics where I discuss about css position, z-index, box-model, flexbox, grid, media queries, mobile-first workflow, best practices etc. in a simple way.

📚🔍 11 important HTML topics where I discuss about my thought process and approach to convert a design/mock-up to HTML along with other topics.

I hope you find these resources helpful in your coding adventures! 🤞

I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing the amazing projects you'll create in the future! 🚀💻

Keep up the fantastic work and happy hacking! 💪✨


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