Design comparison
Solution retrospective
What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
- I am really proud of finishing this project, it seemed like i should take the easy route and just copy someone else's code without really trying hard enough to take a crack at it but i decided to at least give it my best shot, it took a little reading and tutorials but i am glad i'm done.
- It was quite a challenge working with the grid compartment and with restructuring each card especially at the desktop view.
- I overcame these challenges by looking up documentations and youtube tutorials on CSS Grid and found ways to apply my learnings to the project at hand.
- I'd like help with alternative approaches to solving this challenge as much as i solve it, honestly i don't think it was the best way to go about the challenge.
Community feedback
- @mo7amed5hairyPosted 2 days ago
yes it includes semantic html structure yes it is and i could just improve font sizes yes i think so code is well structured and organized alittle bit just in font size
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