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faq accordion using Vite+Tailwind

Med Tosby• 90


Desktop design screenshot for the FAQ accordion coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

Araf Aslam Afif• 110



Your js code is too large. You can modify your code like this:

function plusContain(pId, imgId){ let paragraph = document.getElementById(pId); paragraph.classList.toggle('paragraph');

let image = document.getElementById(imgId);
let currentSrc = image.getAttribute('src');

// Check the current source and toggle to the other image
let toggleImg = currentSrc === 'images/icon-plus.svg' ? image.setAttribute('src', 'images/icon-minus.svg') : image.setAttribute('src', 'images/icon-plus.svg');
return toggleImg;

} document.getElementById('btn1').addEventListener('click', function(){ plusContain('p1', 'btn1_img'); }); document.getElementById('btn2').addEventListener('click', function(){ plusContain('p2', 'btn2_img'); }); document.getElementById('btn3').addEventListener('click', function(){ plusContain('p3', 'btn3_img'); }); document.getElementById('btn4').addEventListener('click', function(){ plusContain('p4', 'btn4_img'); });

After you modify your js code into this code your js file will be short.


Med Tosby• 90



@ArafAfif Thank you for your feedback! Although I would like to point out that the solution is implemented in React so it is more efficient to use hooks rather than going in with plain JS. Also, about having code short, it really doesn't matter as long as the functionality and logic is correct (This is my personal opinion tho).


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