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Created a responsive product card using CSS Grid and Flexbox, optimize


Desktop design screenshot for the Product preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

Steven Stroud 9,800



Hello again, Incredible work on this! You’re making great strides, and I have a couple of suggestions that might push it even further…

  • Using a <main> tag inside the <body> of your HTML is a best practice because it clearly identifies the main content of your page. This helps with accessibility and improves how search engines understand your content.

  • Your heading elements <h1><h3><h2>, Heading elements should be in sequentially-descending order (e.g., <h1>, <h2>, <h3>) to create a clear content structure, improving accessibility and SEO. Skipping levels or using them out of order can confuse screen readers, affect search engine rankings, and make your content harder to understand.

            <h6 class="pro-cat">Perfume</h6>
            <h2 class="pro-name">Gabrielle Essence Eau De Parfum</h2>
  • Having a clear and descriptive alt text for images is important because it helps people who use screen readers understand the content, making your site more accessible. It also improves SEO, as search engines use alt text to understand the image's context, helping your site rank better, Check this out Write helpful Alt Text to describe images,

  • Using a full modern CSS reset is beneficial because it removes default browser styling, creating a consistent starting point for your design across all browsers. It helps avoid unexpected layout issues and makes your styles more predictable, ensuring a uniform appearance on different devices and platforms, check out this site for a Full modern reset

  • For future project, You could download and host your own fonts using @font-face improves website performance by reducing external requests, provides more control over font usage, ensures consistency across browsers, enhances offline availability, and avoids potential issues if third-party font services become unavailable. Place to get .woff2 fonts

  • While px is useful for precise, fixed sizing, such as border-width, border-radius, inline-padding, and <img> sizes, it has limitations. Pixels don't scale well with user settings or adapt to different devices, which can negatively impact accessibility and responsiveness. For example, using px for font sizes can make text harder to read on some screens, Check this article why font-size must NEVER be in pixels. In contrast, relative units like rem and adjust based on the user’s preferences and device settings, making your design more flexible and accessible. Use px where exact sizing is needed, but prefer relative units for scalable layouts. If you want a deeper explanation watch this video by Kevin Powell CSS em and rem explained. Another great resource I found useful is this px to rem converter based on the default font-size of 16 pixel.

You’re doing so well, and I hope this feedback is helpful! Keep honing your skills and remember to enjoy the process—you’re on a great path. Stay motivated, and happy coding! 🎯

Marked as helpful


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