Create an object using Object Literal Syntax
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Hi, please give me feedback on the quality of my work. I need help to fix the opacity of the image and re-sizing the curve in the pseudo-element. Thank you!
Community feedback
- @grace-snowPosted over 3 years ago
I can't get this to work as a keyboard user. It's important for events to be attached to interactive elements (should be button not image) and for those elements to have a focus-visible state
0@grace-snowPosted over 3 years agoAlso, on mobile I think you need to check styles again. On portrait and landscape content is being cut off screen. I think this is caused by explicit widths and quite large margins being used instead of max-width and minimal/auto margins.
These bugs may also be caused by not having padding on outer wrappers, so content hits screen edges. And by having a height 100vh on the wrapper instead of min-height (think how small 100vh is when a mobile device is turned to be landscape)
I hope this helps
0@KristaCallejaPosted over 3 years ago@grace-snow Thank you so much for this. I'll be working on it!
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