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Desktop design screenshot for the Clipboard landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I've just completed my very first landing page website using HTML and CSS! 🌐✨

Check out the stunning design and responsive layout I created for the Clipboard landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor. 🎨💻 It was quite a journey, but I successfully made the website look good and ensured it works seamlessly on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. 📱💪

Take a look at the screenshots below to get a glimpse of my work:

🖥️📱 Website Preview:

I utilized various techniques like grid and flexbox, positioning, margin, padding, and gap to achieve the desired layout. 💡💪 This project was a great opportunity for me to enhance my skills and dive deeper into frontend development.

If you're curious to explore my code, feel free to check it out the GitHub Repository of this - Live Website

I'm really proud of my progress, and I can't wait to embark on more exciting web development projects in the future! 🚀✨

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