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Calculator using HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript

Simeonβ€’ 30


Desktop design screenshot for the Calculator app coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Any feedback would be appreciated. In particular:

  • if my use of flexbox and grid can be improved/align better with best practice?
  • if my JavaScript is readable and understandable?

Community feedback

Alexβ€’ 2,010



There's a bug in the calculation. If you do 1 + 6 + 3 it's giving 11.

Other than that, it looks great, the responsiveness works well down to very small screens.

Well done on the theme toggle, it works great with a keyboard, focus stylings are all there too.

It might be nice to have some :hover / :active states on the buttons for a bit more visual feedback when you click them.

You could get rid of your .keypad-main and .keypad-bottom wrappers by just using grid-column: span 2 on the last 2 buttons.

The only thing I can find to pick up on is the <p>THEME</p>. Some screen readers will read that as individual letters T H E M E. So instead, use lowercase in the html and text-transform: uppercase in the CSS.

I've only had a quick scan through the javascript file, but it looks well laid out and very readable to me.

Marked as helpful


Simeonβ€’ 30



@AlexKMarshall thanks for the detailed feedback and suggestions!

I couldn't replicate the bug you mentioned. 1 + 6 + 3 is consistently resulting in 10 for me. But if you are able to work out how to replicate it, then let me know!

I've now added :active states on the buttons as you suggested.

I have also implemented your suggestion of writhing 'THEME' in lowercase in the HTML and instead styling it as uppercase in the CSS for accessibility.

Thanks again.

David Dyerβ€’ 185



@simeonbain I was thinking people using a screen reader wouldn't need to interact with the themes. You could hide them from a screen reader with an aria-label.

Alexβ€’ 2,010



@davidbdeath I disagree here. While the main users of screen readers are blind or have low vision, not all are.

From " Screen readers are also used by people with certain cognitive or learning disabilities, or users who simply prefer audio content over text. "

So someone using a screen reader may well want to control the theme, and as it is fairly straightforward to make that accessible, it should be done.

David Dyerβ€’ 185



@AlexKMarshall The use case of the person who simply prefers audio content over text isn't relevant. They can see well enough to interact with the theme controls; it's not an accessibility issue. People with certain cognitive or learning disabilities is a nebulous descriptor and could mean anything. Having the screen reader read the theme controls could just as likely be confusing and more a hindrance than a benefit. It seems like a benefit for the visually impaired for the website to quickly direct the screen reader to the relevant section.

David Dyerβ€’ 185



It doesn't take keyboard inputs.


Simeonβ€’ 30



@davidbdeath Thanks! I've added keyboard input now


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