Blog preview card w/ (Svelte + Tailwind + Typescript) 👨💻
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
I am most proud of successfully completing my first Svelte project. Next time, I would approach the project with a clearer plan and design in mind to avoid some of the backtracking and refactoring that I had to do in this project. I also plan to spend more time exploring advanced features of Svelte to create more complex and polished projects in the future.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?In my first project using Svelte, I encountered some challenges with the syntax and the reactive nature of Svelte components. To overcome them, I spent time reading the documentation, watching tutorials, and experimenting with small code snippets.
Community feedback
- @vandermsPosted 8 months ago
Opa, Adriano! Aprendendo Svelte também? Isso me lembra que eu preciso voltar a estudar. Ficou legal a sua solução!
1@AdrianoEscarabotePosted 8 months ago@vanderms Olá, Vander! Sim, estou aprendendo Svelte também! É uma tecnologia bem interessante. Obrigado!
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