Design comparison
Solution retrospective
So creating this without any animation is simple enough. The challenge came when I decided I wanted the accordion to animate when closing/opening each element. Lucky for me, I came across this issue before, and already had a solution for it.
The main issue is that height is not supported for animation, so most alternative solutions may involve quite a bit of JavaScript to setup a timer and then adjust the height by pixel. I didn't like that idea, though, and discovered that you can actually animate height using CSS grid.
So I have this element:
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Whenever I click the button, I want that div with card-paragraph-wrapper to appear. I have this CSS to make that happen with an animation:
.card-paragraph-wrapper {
display: grid;
transition: grid-template-rows 0.15s ease-out;
.card-paragraph-wrapper[data-active='true'] {
grid-template-rows: 1fr;
.card-paragraph-wrapper[data-active='false'] {
grid-template-rows: 0fr;
.card-paragraph-wrapper > div {
overflow: hidden;
The only particularly odd thing is you need the extra div in there. It does not work without it.
Then you simply add event listeners to change the data-active to true or false in your script, and the CSS takes care of itself.
Community feedback
- @Mubarak-AdeyemiPosted 3 months ago
I had the same issue but I used this line of code to solve just that in JavaScript 👇. = answer.scrollHeight + "px";
After I had set the answer max-height to 0 in CSS.
then I used the above code to determine the height of the answer container for smooth transition after a certain class has been added with JavaScript to show the container.
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