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Age calculator app


Desktop design screenshot for the Age calculator app coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Please share feedback on the code structure and design layout and how I could improve things.

Also, am using the rem units for the padding and margin because it helps things on the response side and keeps things clean. This is a controversial choice and after much research on px vs rem, I settled on rem when I found that Kevin Powell, one of the leading CSS professionals, goes for rem as well.

Community feedback



Hello Affan Shaikh 👋🏽,

You have a good job completing this project, congratulations! 🎊

I hope this feedback helps


It will be more appropriate to use semantic elements in your code as it will help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and accessibility. Example instead of using a lot of <div> you could use <section> tags, also fore accessibility, if you use <div> tags, you could make it accessible and meaningful to screen readers by using accessible elements such as aria-label, role, aria-labelledby etc. You can learn more from W3


It's important to update your since that gives first hand information about your project. Hiring manger will get to see how well you document you project from your file. Kindly update the template given by Frontend Mentor to make your project more professional.


There were errors when I input leap year date and the other attach dates29 - 02 - 2016 ,28 - 2 - 2020, 1 - 2 - 2020. Kindly check it out. I think it is the whole of Feb dates.

I hope this helps . In all your I like your code organization 🌟

Happy coding 🫶

Marked as helpful




@principlebrothers Thanks for the advice, have implemented the necessary changes.




Hi Affan Shaikh,

I am glad the suggestion helped.

I checked it out and it is working perfectly.

You rock




This is perfect set the height of the body ko 720px because this is the viewport height of various laptops it will make the design more accurate. Code is also properly structured well done 👍🏻. Keep it up smart coder.

Marked as helpful




@Danish49 Thanks for the feedback!


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