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Age Calculator


Desktop design screenshot for the Age calculator app coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

Carlton 130



Hey, hey, congratulations on completing the challenge :)

Here are some pointers to note:

  • It's great that your form tells the user when they enter invalid input for the days, months, and years. However, it does not stop it from calculating the age when the user clicks the button. Ensure that it does not allow it to go on with the calculation when the user enters any invalid input for the day, month, or year.
  • No hover state for the button. Change the button's color (to off-black) when the user hovers or clicks on it.
  • Your form is excellent for desktops but is not responsive enough for mobile phones. For example, the entire structure is not shown for mobile phones with a width of less than 578 pixels. You can consider adding another media query for this or changing the "wrapper" to have a smaller width

Hope that helps :)

Marked as helpful




Thanks for your feedback I have fixed the calculation bug@CarltonMpofu.

Will fix the CSS issue also and update the code.




@CarltonMpofu I have fix the responsiveness also and adjusted bit of styling. can you please review once again and let me know if some issues is still present or new issues arised.

Thanks for the review, much appreciated.

Carlton 130





Awesome work! The previous issues have been dealt with :)

Two things I have noticed:

  • The form allows you to enter non-numeric values (symbols, letters ... etc.) and calculate using them.
  • You used a div with the class wrapper to surround your content. While using div for the main content isn't technically wrong, it doesn't convey any specific meaning about the content itself. So, by switching to main for your main content, you're not just following best practices, but also making your HTML more semantic.

I hope that helps :)




Hi @CarltonMpofu,

Thanks for finding that bug. I also found the same bug after deploying😄

I have fixed that issue too and pushed the latest code.

Thanks for your feedback it helped me to improve a lot.


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