Advice Generator with React, completely responsive
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
In this time i did this simple challenge consuming the api to keep practicing all the knowledge that im getting in React js, any feedback will be well received
Community feedback
- @shashreesamuelPosted almost 3 years ago
Hey D3press3dd, good job completing this challenge. Keep up the good work.
Your solution looks good however I have the following suggestions
Your card title has a bit too much margin-top. I suggest decreasing it a little
The divider line needs some margin top, you can achieve this using the
css property -
The dice needs some padding around it and to be made a bit smaller
In terms of your accessibility issues simply wrap all your content between
tags.I hope this helps
Cheers Happy coding 👍
1@D3press3ddPosted almost 3 years ago@TheCoderGuru Thank you, i will do the changes
0 -
- @D3press3ddPosted almost 3 years ago
I dont know why im getting the screenshot bugged like that 😢😢😢
0 - @D3press3ddPosted almost 3 years ago
I hope you like it the fancy button animation in the dice
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