Submitted almost 3 years ago
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Feel free to leave feedback on any section of my code since I did not have a particular section that requires feedback.
Community feedback
- @NyyuPosted almost 3 years ago
I'm not sure if they already updated the style-guide but I saw a few ppl with the same problem, the colors provided weren't the same for some reason. I don't remember who gave those colors but they are quite close if not the same:
/* Primary */ --lightCyan: #cee3e9; --neonGreen: #53ffaa; /* Neutral */ --grayishBlue: #313a48; --darkGrayishBlue: #202733; --darkBlue: #202733;
Other than that, great job! I feel like it's nearly pixel perfect, tho that border-radius is a tad more rounded in comparison with the design.
0@shashreesamuelPosted almost 3 years agoNyyu, thank you for your valuable feedback will make the changes.
Cheers Happy coding š
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