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Advice generator app

boris2912 270


Desktop design screenshot for the Advice generator app coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • API
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hi everyone!!

this is my first time i use 3rd part API in a project let me know if i make it correctly!!

would really appriciate any type of feedback!!

thak you!!!

Community feedback





Here are some things i think you can improve in your project:


  • Would suggest having the height 100% in body, html and main so that your background color covers the whole page.

  • Have spacing between your selectors so it is easier to read.


  • Instead of using an XMLHttpRequest try using the newer more modern way using fetch.

  • Object deconstructuring. Instead of having to type out each name like data.slip.advice // you can write as const { advice, id } = data.slip which is the same as creating two variables const advice = data.slip.advice and const id =

  • Template literals. Instead of writing text.textContent = '"' + advice.slip.advice + '"';. You can use `` and inside these you can type your variables using ${variable}.

    try {
       const response = await fetch("")
       const data = await response.json();
       const { advice, id } = data.slip;  
       text.textContent = `"${advice}"`; 
       adviceId.textContent = `ADVICE # ${id}`;
    } catch (error) {


button.addEventListener("click", fetchData)

Marked as helpful


boris2912 270



@RalfiSlask thanks a lot really appriciate your advices!!


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