Advice App Using React and SCSS
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Solution retrospective
Hello Seniors, this is my first react project. I Have been so busy at work that It's hard to find time to learn, kindly help me to review this solution.
Here are my questions:
- Do I always have to set dummy values for states before data arrive from the API like I did here?
const [advice, setAdvice] = useState(
"slip": {
"id": 0,
"advice": ""
- Is there any details I am missing in the UI?
- kindy go through my react code, what should I improve on?
- what do you think of my BEM class name usage? am I getting it?
Community feedback
- @visualdennissPosted almost 2 years ago
No, you don't have to set a dummy data with the corresponding object structure.
I've set it so in mine e.g.: const [advice, setAdvice] = useState('Click on Dice below to get an advice')
You can also set useState("") etc. Just make sure if you are expecting array or object, do not try to read data before it is there. For example if you expect an array of objects, and then in your JSX, if you use map method like> item ), you'll get error of cannot read property of undefined, because it'll try to render initially when you data has not being fetched and put into state yet. But you can fix that usually with data?.map or {data &&}
Hope you find this feedback helpful!
Marked as helpful2@EngineerHamzieyPosted almost 2 years ago@visualdenniss Thanks so much, that was really helpful
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