Design comparison
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Community feedback
- @aryanda1Posted over 1 year ago
Man first the main card is also vertically centred in desktop mode, Second add atleast cursor pointer to buttons, and some hover states to them atleast
1 - @abraundPosted over 1 year ago
Nice. I did not realise you can inline an svg into html. Interesting, I guess the advantage there is you save a network call.
If wished you could also reference the svg files from within the html file, which makes it more readable.
Thus the svg element could be replaced with:
<img src="./images/illustration-hero.svg">
1@aryanda1Posted over 1 year agoalso u can apply class to path, and change fill color and other css properties@abraund
2@walidshabaPosted over 1 year agoWeel You could also use an id to reference to your Css and change color and size of the svg image and doesn't loose quality. @abraund
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