3-column preview card component (HTML and Sass)
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
Hi there :) Finished this one with Sass. I tried to add more smooth transition between mobile and desktop view. Hope it looks good. Any feedback on the layout and the code will be welcome.
Community feedback
- @PhoenixDev22Posted almost 3 years ago
Hey there, Rosi !
Well done on this challenge ! I think you did a great job in styling your solution and overall your solution looks great!
It's responsive and I would suggest to use anchor tag instead of the button tag as the button tag is better for forms .Don't stop and keep doing solutions like this, hope this feedback helps. Happy coding
Marked as helpful1@strosiPosted almost 3 years ago@PhoenixDev22 Thanks for the suggestion! I was really wondering which one to use :)
0 - @ChristBMPosted almost 3 years ago
Great job Rosi :). I would advise you use the BEM methodology in the classes and if you are working with Sass you can take advantage of nested classes using &, that allow you, for example: -if you have a div tag inside a main tag and the main tag have a class="father" then and following the BEM methodology your div tag class should be: class="father__son". To achieve this, you can nest your classes in the style.scss file: .father { sass code... &__son { sass code... } } Note: Is good practice having no more than 2 level nested classes. The @import in sass is deprecated, instead use @use and @forward.
Marked as helpful1@strosiPosted almost 3 years ago@ChristBM thank you for the advices. I'll read about BEM. The @import is really deprecated and in that case I have to try another way to import fonts because @use and @forward don't want to work... :/
0@ChristBMPosted almost 3 years ago@strosi I recommend you to see this video on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR-a8upNjJ0 In essence, @use to avoid the global styles and the class overwrite. In Sass, we work by modules, a file with the name _module.scss is considered a module and the Sass compiler only take it if it has been 'imported' into a main.scss file. Then we need to use @use to bring _module.scss file into the main.scss file. The best example is when we have a _variables.scss with all colors and fonts variables of the page; in these cases, you need to bring to card_style.scss (for example) the _variables.scss file to use the colors and fonts. You can do like this:
@use './variables' as *;
The fonts will be imported inside the head tag. Google fonts bring you the code, and you only need to paste en your HTML. The code is similar to:
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com"> <link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" crossorigin> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Kumbh+Sans:wght@400;700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
And then you can use the font family in your styles:
font-family: 'Kumbh Sans', sans-serif;
Marked as helpful1
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