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3 colum preview card component

kubas33 180


Desktop design screenshot for the 3-column preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Another challenge done.

I am not sure if is it good practice to set min-height: 40% to description container to keep distance between button and text od wider screens.

Feedback and tips are welcomed :D

Community feedback

_nehal💎 6,710



Hello Coder 👋.

Congratulations on successfully completing the challenge! 🎉

Few suggestions regarding design.

  • You forget to add cursor: pointer; on buttons. It will be more user-friendly to add it.

  • Follow semantics rule place footer outside and below the main tag

  • For image like .svg are decorative which browser will not render it to be important and skip it, so it make no sense to add alt leave it blank.

<img src="image.svg" alt="">

  • Try to add accessibility features like aria, sr-only, title.

aria : link


I hope you find this helpful.

Happy coding😄

Marked as helpful


kubas33 180




Thanks for your tips! Yeah I forgot about pointer cursor :|

kubas33 180




I improved code according to your tips. Added pointer cursor, removed alt from images, moved footer outside main and added <h1> element with sr-only class.

Fell free to check it out now :)

_nehal💎 6,710





  • Just one more thing for good practice:
  • Use responsive units(rem, em, %) from next project. Explore respective use cases on google. link

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