@Nemesis-ASSubmitted over 4 years ago
What improvements can be made to the shadows and can anyone help me with the borders for the cards?
What improvements can be made to the shadows and can anyone help me with the borders for the cards?
Hi Akshat Shukla I checked your code. It is not recommended to give style directly in the HTML tag. You styled it directly inside the <hr> tag.
<footer> <hr color="#333" size="1px" width="95%" style="margin: auto;"> ...Solution:
<hr> // Remove here code.
<p class="attribution">
Challenge by <a href="https://www.frontendmentor.io?ref=challenge" target="_blank">Frontend Mentor</a>.
footer hr{
display: block;
height: 1px;
border: 0;
border-top: 1px solid #333;
width: 95%;
margin: auto;