Hello Frontend mentor community! :)
This was a challenging project for me, but it was also a lot of fun. I struggled with getting the layout right, and while I don't think my approach was ideal, I managed to create a design that I'm happy with.
Looking at my code now, I realize that it's messy and needs some work. I followed a tutorial by Kevin Powell (he was working on another project) and tried to incorporate his overall approach to the project (using variables and utility classes and so on..), but I felt overwhelmed and just wanted to make the project work. As a result, there are a lot of unnecessary things in my CSS, but I plan to refactor it later.
As I typically do, I started this project with a mobile-first design approach. However, because the layout was more complex than my previous projects, I encountered some** difficulties in overwriting the mobile max-width with media queries**. It took some time to find a solution.
I need to better organize my code and make it more DRY, but I'll save that for later.
Currently, my solution is smaller in height than the design, and it's not centered on the page. I believe adding a container that encompasses the body and main elements and centering that container will fix this issue.
I began teaching myself HTML and CSS approximately three weeks ago, and my primary objective is to complete all of the projects. Last week I finished the last Newbie project and this is my second Junior one. My intention is to enhance my skills in HTML and CSS to the fullest extent possible before progressing to more complex projects involving complex JavaScript. I invite you to join me on this journey as I continue to solve more challenging projects. As of May 10, 2023, I have successfully completed 2 out of the 29 available Junior projects.