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    Hi! It's been a while since i did a challenge without using a framework, so in this one I only used plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript in order to prevent loosing practice in the bases. About the challenge, i did that if there's more than 4 shortened links, the last one get removed, this is to prevent adding infinite shortened links, i thought about allowing the user to choose the maximum amount of shortened links but at the end i considered it unnecessary. Hope that you like it!

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    Hi! This challenge is kinda special for me, because I remember seeing this challenge when I was just starting to learn html and thinking that I have no idea how I would build something like this, now after two months it was a piece of cake to make, it feels pretty good to see that all the hours spent studying are worth it, anyway, about the challenge, I had some problems doing it, and all was due to my ad-block, it was not letting the page connect to the API so it was throwing some weird errors, if you're stuck on the loading page you need to DISABLE YOUR AD-BLOCK.

    (Isn't there another free API that does the same? This one has a pretty limited free API requests per account, I had to make another account because I wasted them all just testing)

  • Submitted

    Hi, In this challenge I learned a lot about working with async data, and my conclusion is that dealing with them gives you a headache some times! But at least it was fun. There is a thing that I wasn't able to do, in the original design the buttons of the border countries have their full common names, but the API just gives you their abreviations, so i just left them that way, why? Because the only way that i can think for displaying their full names is that i have to fetch again the api using the abreviations of their names, and i think that is a waste of resources and unnecessarily complicated for just that purpose, so if anyone knows a better/simpler way of doing it please share your knowledge with this peasant!

    (There's no more free advanced challenges so im sad now, when i really feel that im learning is when i do these challenges 😥)

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    Hi! I wanted to feel a spike in difficulty, so I left my junior challenges for a while and went for an advanced challenge, and I have to say that it was pretty fun to make, I definitely want to do more projects like this (though there's just one more free advanced challenge i think 😥)! I learned a LOT of Vue doing this challenge, actually I think I spent more time watching tutorials and reading documentation than anything else, my solution it's far from perfect so I will be trying to optimize the code. As always any feedback is welcome!

  • Submitted

    Hi! I started to learn Vue.js 3 so I will be re-doing some challenges to practice, this was my first challenge that I've done using JavaScript so I wanted it to be my first challenge made with Vue too! Like always any feedback is welcome!

    (have to admit that I spent more time trying to deploy the vue app to github pages than doing the challenge 😅)

  • Submitted

    Hi! I wanted to do this challenge to practice working with JSON archives, I learned a lot from this, even though it is relatively simple looking. Every value of the chart is being pulled from the JSON file so I think I did accomplish the bonus tip of the challenge? I'm not sure if See dynamically generated bars means an animation of the bars rising or it means that the chart changes based on the values of the JSON (That's what I did), anyway, I'm happy with what I did!

    PD: Tomorrow we wil see if the current day bar changes like it's supposed to do

    PD2: Yes it does

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    This was a challenging one for me, it was kinda hard to do all the validation, but at the end, I did it (thanks stack overflow), making the cards was harder than I thought, but thanks to that I learned how to overlap elements with CSS grid, so yeah, after all it's a pretty fun challenge!

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    Hi! This one was pretty fun to make, and hard too! It's my first time making drop-down and sidebar menus, so I struggled a lot. I know I could use JS to get my work done a lot quicker but I wanted to make everything with CSS because I knew it was possible, i've learned a lot thanks to approaching this challenge with only CSS in mind, so any feedback about it is welcome!

  • Submitted

    Hi! It was a bit hard to change the style's of the range input, so if you know an easier way of doing it please leave your feedback!

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    Hi! In this one at the start of my project I made the "warning" icon as a ::before pseudo-element, but I couldn't figure out a way to modify it through JS so I had to re-make it, my question is if there is a way of modifying a pseudo-class element from within JS?

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    Hi! In this one my code is a little bit of a mess, I screwd up in some things trying to make the button do his job, but hey, it worked at the end! Any feedback is welcome!

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    Hi! This is my first time using JavaScript, so it will really help me if you guys give me your feedback about it, I'm sure that there is an easier and better way of doing what I have done!

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    Hi, this was fun to make! I had a little bit of a hard time doing the displacement of the containers, if you know a better/easier way to do it, please give me your feedback, thanks.