I am open to feedback, please advise if there are any ways I can improve on.
Many thanks.
I am open to feedback, please advise if there are any ways I can improve on.
Many thanks.
Vraiment appréciable 👌 Moi je ne vois que le problème de positionnement :)
Seems I have faced pretty major problems with dynamic responsiveness (container relative to device viewport, and child elements relative to container/parents). If anyone would be so kind to give me a piece of advice, based on the code i wrote, on how to not hard-code these things with N @media queries, I'd very much appreciate that!
Thank you!
Bonsoir, j'ai essayer de regarder ton coder mais sans commentaire c'est pas facile. Pour centrer il y'a plusieurs méthode, perso j'utilise : La position : absolute ; Top: 50%; Left:50%; Transform:translate (-50%,-50%);
Ce bout de code centre tous les éléments ^^ J'espère t'avoir aider de mon mieux:)