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How to get manager approval for Frontend Mentor for Teams

Professional training is a crucial part of career progression. In this article, we help you make the case for integrating project-based learning into your professional training to boost your skills.

Matt Studdert


5 Sep 2024

Continuous learning is essential in any career. As professionals, we aim to improve our skills, gain new knowledge, and progress through the ranks of our chosen field.

In web development, continuous learning is an absolute must. With language updates, new tools, and frameworks constantly being released, keeping up-to-date with the latest trends, techniques, and workflows is essential to see what might positively impact your day-to-day work.

Traditional learning methods like taking courses, watching tutorials, and reading articles can only take you so far. There comes a time when passive content consumption needs to stop, and active skill application should begin.

The fact that you’re already on Frontend Mentor shows that you understand the benefits of project-based learning. There’s only one way you can truly master your craft: through continuous, intentional practice.

And, as you know, this is what Frontend Mentor is made for!

If you’re a professional developer working on a team, Frontend Mentor for Teams offers an excellent opportunity to enhance your skills through project-based learning and community mentorship.

However, finding the best way to approach your manager to request they start using Frontend Mentor for Teams as part of their professional training budget may seem daunting.

This article will guide you through the process of getting approval for Frontend Mentor for Teams, helping you make a compelling case for your professional development.

Benefits of Frontend Mentor for Teams

Frontend Mentor for Teams provides numerous advantages for both individual developers and the entire team:

  • Project-based learning: The platform offers real-world projects that simulate actual work scenarios, allowing developers to gain practical experience. It offers individual challenges or learning paths to help onboard new developers, train team members, and increase company tech stack proficiency.
  • Skill improvement: Team members can enhance their proficiency in any front-end technologies. All challenges are design-led, meaning they don’t impose technological choices. So, developers can practice using tools and workflows relevant to the company’s actual work.
  • Collaboration opportunities: The platform encourages teamwork, fostering better communication and knowledge sharing among team members. Team members can tackle challenges together, creating excellent learning opportunities outside the production environment.
  • Code reviews: Team members can easily give each other project feedback to build a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. If they keep their solutions public, they can also receive input from the Frontend Mentor community, helping improve their skills with no extra team overhead!
  • Community access: Speaking of community, Frontend Mentor has a community of over 875K developers (at the time of writing this) and an extremely active Discord. By embedding team members in the community, they gain access to a solid network outside the company to improve their support system.
  • Progress tracking: Managers can easily monitor the team's progress through completed projects and code reviews. From there, it’s easy to identify areas for improvement and set targets.

Preparing your request

Before approaching your manager, it's good to be well-prepared. You want to ensure you have all the information to put across a strong case from why you and the team will benefit from using Frontend Mentor:

  1. Research your company's policies on professional development to understand existing support for such initiatives. You and your teammates may well have a training budget as part of your contract, which you could use to fund the subscription.
  2. Gather detailed information about Frontend Mentor for Teams, including pricing, features, and the benefits of project-based learning.
  3. Identify specific skills, learning paths, and projects on the platform that align with your team's current and future work requirements. Giving code reviews to other community members can also be an excellent way to boost and display communication and mentorship skills. So, showing your willingness to engage in the Frontend Mentor community to improve your soft skills is another benefit.

Making your case

When presenting your request, focus on how Frontend Mentor for Teams aligns with company goals. Project-based learning helps develop job-relevant skills. So be sure to cover the following areas:

  • Alignment with objectives: Demonstrate how improved front-end skills can enhance product quality, lead to faster development cycles, and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Highlight the potential cost savings for reduced hiring and onboarding expenses for new talent as existing team members upskill.
  • Team-wide benefits: Emphasize how the platform can foster a culture of continuous learning and collaboration within the development team.

Addressing potential concerns

Not all managers will immediately see the benefits. They may be hesitant to commit to using the platform for training purposes. It can help to anticipate and address possible objections your manager might have:

  • Time management: Explain how the platform's flexible, project-based approach allows team members to learn without disrupting their regular work schedules. Everything is self-paced, so team members can take challenges and engage in the community when they can.
  • Cost considerations: Compare the cost of Frontend Mentor for Teams with traditional training methods, showcasing its cost-effectiveness. Some training platforms can cost thousands per employee annually, whereas Frontend Mentor for Teams is a fraction of that.
  • Measurable outcomes: Highlight the platform's open nature with code solutions and reviews easily visible to track progress and activity. Managers can quickly see how team members are doing and work with them to set targets.

Creating your proposal

Writing a concise, professional email to your manager is the best way to make your case. You want to give them time to think about your proposal without putting them on the spot. Here’s a basic outline:

  1. Begin with a clear statement of your request for Frontend Mentor for Teams.
  2. Summarize the key benefits and how they align with company objectives.
  3. Address potential concerns proactively.
  4. Propose a trial period or pilot program to demonstrate the platform's value.

Following up

Hopefully, your manager will reply to your email within a few days. If you need to follow up with them, here are some points to consider:

  1. Schedule a meeting to discuss your request in person or via video call.
  2. Be prepared to answer questions and provide additional information.
  3. Show enthusiasm and commitment to making the most of the platform if approved.

Sample request email template

Having a template can help you get started. We’ve added one below, which we recommend customizing to suit your needs.

Subject: Request for Frontend Mentor for Teams - Professional Development Opportunity

Dear [ Manager's Name ],

I'd like your approval for our team to join Frontend Mentor for Teams, a platform that offers realistic project-based learning for developers.

Key benefits of Frontend Mentor for Teams include:

  • Practical, real-world projects that align with our current work
  • Skill improvement in front-end technologies used in our tech stack
  • Team collaboration opportunities to boost teamwork and internal mentorship
  • Progress tracking for measurable outcomes

This platform aligns with our company's goals by [ explain how it supports specific objectives ]. The cost is [ provide pricing details ], which is a cost-effective alternative to traditional training methods. Everything on the platform is self-paced, so we can ensure training doesn’t impact deadlines.

I believe this investment will significantly enhance our team's job-relevant skills and productivity. Would you be open to discussing this further?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[ Your Name ]

Following these steps and presenting a well-thought-out proposal should increase your chances of gaining approval for Frontend Mentor for Teams. Remember, investing in your team's skills benefits not just individual developers but also the company's overall success in delivering high-quality solutions.

Good luck!

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